What is Eclipse Season? And Why Do They Come in Pairs?

What is Eclipse Season? ~~and~~ Why Do Eclipses Come in Pairs? Or Even Threes? by Dallas Doctor Eclipses are interesting phenomena and have been commanding our attention since we have been human (and probably even before that). As long as our species has been documenting anything at all, eclipses have been an important part of…
Why Is The Sky Blue?
It’s an interesting question: The answer is coming, so STAY TUNED ….
Is My Toast Trying To Kill Me?

Is My Toast Trying To Kill Me? ~ and ~ Why Are Corn Dogs So Delicious? by Dallas Doctor Have you ever wondered why corn dogs taste so much better than the sum of their parts? Have you ever wondered if they’re safe to eat? Most people are surprised to learn that whenever you heat…
Solar Eclipse Safety – How To Protect Your Eyes During the Event

Solar Eclipse Safety How To Protect Your Eyes During the Event by Reed Janson In spite of what you may have heard, it’s not remotely dangerous to be outside during the solar eclipse. It’s OK! Go Outside! Experience the event! BUT DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITH YOUR NAKED EYE! …
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